Saturday, March 27, 2010

Can I write?

I am going to assume everyone can write. It's whether or not it's worth reading that matters, right? Or maybe not. It's all subjective. It's all either here nor there. It's just bullshit that some will think stinks others will think smells like roses.

What seems interesting to me could be complete hogwash to someone else. I mean, do you really want to know about me or is it just the escape of leaving yourself for a while? Because I can help with that! There are so many things swirling around in my head that there is bound to be something for everybody! I just hope someone out there can either relate or at the very least agree that I might have something that will be worth the read. If I completely suck then so be it. I will be no worse for the wear. I have to think of this as just a way to clear the mind...a good binge and purge!

Now...what to write. Come on think "clever"! What was it that I thought to myself when I saw the larger than large woman eating a larger than large ice cream while parked in the Costco parking lot? Something about the hair I could see growing out of her chin? Was it something about the drops of melted ice cream on her shirt? Or the even larger than large man in the driver's seat reading the paper? Ugh..I can't remember! Crap. So much for clever.

Think. Wait. Think some more.

I over think everything. It's a horrible character flaw. Often my over thinking is just plain old procrastination but that is splitting hairs. Sometimes the act of contemplating something makes me feel smarter and gives me a sense of well being because I can 1) form an opinion, 2) verify that there is always more than one option and 3) walk and chew gum while doing it. Sounds silly when what I'm contemplating comes down to deciding if I'm really saving money by buying in bulk or if Tide is a better than the All. But thinking is thinking even if it is something silly or mundane, right? Think on that.

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